Science suggests treadmill desks might improve cognitive functions LifeSpan TR1200-DT Treadmill Desk (2013 Model): Sports & Outdoors outdoor wicker is a favorite of ours! So is this find by 412wedge. 

Treadmill walking during vocabulary encoding improves verbal long-term memory
[Via BioMed Central – Latest articles]

Moderate physical activity improves various cognitive functions, particularly when it is applied simultaneously to the cognitive task. In two psychoneuroendocrinological within-subject experiments, we investigated whether very low-intensity motor activity, i.e. walking, during foreign-language vocabulary encoding improves subsequent recall compared to encoding during physical rest. Furthermore, we examined the kinetics of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in serum and salivary cortisol. Previous research has associated both substances with memory performance.In both experiments, subjects performed better when they were motorically active during encoding compared to being sedentary. BDNF in serum was unrelated to memory performance. In contrast we found a positive correlation between salivary cortisol concentration and the number of correctly recalled items. In summary, even very light physical activity during encoding is beneficial for subsequent recall.


Walking makes use remember and recall things easier. So, walking on a treadmill while working would seem to be what every company should provide. We would be in better shape and smarter.

Looking forward to that. Not.