Why I like Mark Cuban

The Most Patriotic Thing You Can Do
[Via Blog Maverick]

Bust your ass and get rich.

Make a boatload of money. Pay your taxes. Lots of taxes. Hire people. Train people. Pay people. Spend money on rent, equipment, services. Pay more taxes.

When you make a shitload of money. Do something positive with it. If you are smart enough to make it, you will be smart enough to know where to put it to work.

I don’t care what anyone says. Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefiting you and your family, but in the broader sense.  Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make the more of a financial impact you can have.


Particularly for this one paragraph:

So be Patriotic. Go out there and get rich. Get so obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes , your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write. Your 2nd thought will be “what a great problem to have”, and your 3rd should be a recognition that in paying your taxes you are helping to support millions of Americans that are not as fortunate as you.

As he states, the government does waste money. In a perfect world, life would be wonderful and taxes would be unknown. The only perfect world though is found in the minds of those who believe in Heaven, not here on Earth.

If we hope to get out of this depression as soon as possible, we have to use ll the tools available to us, including strong government support provided by taxes.

It IS the most patriotic thing you can do.