The iPad is the best device ever for meetings

iPads in the board room
[Via MacDailyNews]

“I don’t know about the rest of the country, but Sand Hill Road has clearly embraced the iPad,” David Hornik of August Capital writes for VentureBlog.


I have not used my laptop in any sort of sit-down meeting for several weeks. I take out my iPad, start up SoundPaper and just go. The app records the meeting, I take notes that are synched to the audio and, if need be, I can draw a picture. I can then email people the audio for them to use. I use GoodReader to examine any of the documents that were we sent.

I can accomplish everything I need using the iPad and it is much easier to carry. A month ago, I was the only person with an iPad in board meetings. Now it may be about 10-20% depending on the group. We actually spend about 5 minutes discussing the right case for the iPad and what are the best apps to get. A very nice club to belong to.

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